Feel free to contact me regarding anything related
to Firefox. I try to respond to all emails (however I cannot say
how quickly). If you send 'fan mail' it may be posted below, please
let me know if you do not wish to have your email posted. If you
need a mailing address, please contact me first by email.
If you'd like to make a contribution to keep the site running, please feel free to donate to the Firefox website Paypal account, AKA: The "Mitchell Gant Fund" Like any personal project, it's all blood, sweat, tears and out-of-pocket expenses. If anyone is willing to help curb that expense, feel free to help out.
If you'd like to make a contribution to keep the site running, please feel free to donate to the Firefox website Paypal account, AKA: The "Mitchell Gant Fund" Like any personal project, it's all blood, sweat, tears and out-of-pocket expenses. If anyone is willing to help curb that expense, feel free to help out.
All of the content found within this website
has been obtained via publicly available (free) resources. The photos
found within the image gallery have been collected from various
sources and have been submitted to me by Firefox
fans over the years. I have made an effort to give credit
where it is due and, if possible, list the source I obtained
the information from, when possible.
The illustration I have created and made available for purchase through this website was built from scratch on my own time with my own equipment. I am not infringing on any copyrights nor am not making any actual profit from the sale of the illustration. The price I charge covers the actual cost of printing the poster and the shipping and handling thereof. It is an original work of art (99% accurate to the original design) and is treated as such.
The illustration I have created and made available for purchase through this website was built from scratch on my own time with my own equipment. I am not infringing on any copyrights nor am not making any actual profit from the sale of the illustration. The price I charge covers the actual cost of printing the poster and the shipping and handling thereof. It is an original work of art (99% accurate to the original design) and is treated as such.
The actual illustration itself and all original
work has been copyrighted as an original work of art based
upon an existing object, and it is for this reason only that
the illustration is 99% accurate. If there are slight discrepancies,
it is for this reason alone. The technical information I have
written regarding the plane is based in part on material gathered
from the film and the original Craig
Thomas novel, and partly upon my own working knowledge
of military aircraft defensive systems in general.